I’ve made a few posts about this, and that’s because it comes up in the requests I get almost daily. Body shops can be very expensive, even if the damage is minor. If someone swings wide while pulling out of the parking spot next to you, even if their wheel barely scraps your car, it can costs thousands of dollars to fix, or does it?
The other driver probably didn’t even know they scraped your car, regardless, there you are with your beautiful car, with a big scrape down the side of it.
Having insurance fix it, can raise your rates, and even then it a big hassle.
I just made a video of a car that needed a body shop to make it look new, but the customer didn’t want to pay the high cost, and was fine with the damage being barely noticeable. He was very happy with.
There was a scratch all the way down the entire side of his Jeep Grand Cherokee. There was some minor metal damage that a qualified ‘dent guy’ might be able to remove, the rest of the damage, you’d need a microscope to find after I did the touch up.
I charged $300. I’m guessing a body shop would have charged anywhere between $4000 and $8000.
Take a look at the video and let me know what you think.
And if you’d like my feedback please text me photos of the damage (714-766-0464), or visit my website. www.carpaintchiprepair.com